The American LaMancha
Breeders Association and its members want to acknowledge and
support the contribution that many of our
members have made to the US Military. Currently many of our members have family
members--sons, daughters, husbands, wives,
grandchildren and even moms and dads--who are serving or have served in the US
Military. We want to take time to
honor these brave individuals and their families. The sacrifices they make can
only be understood by someone who has been there.
They give of their time, they leave their families and they go into harm's way
without complaint so that we may all remain free.
Most will return home but some will make the ultimate sacrifice.
Following are the family members who are serving or have served in the
Armed Forces. Any ALBA member who has a family member
that they would like included here, please email Deb Macke,
Please include their unit and
where they served and, if they are currently serving, their address if you want
to share it.
Stephanie Cornell, former Sergeant in
the 248th Engineer Company of the CT Army National Guard
Served 2010-2018
Deployed 2012-2013 in support of OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom)

BUCA Angela Ebert daughter of Pam Ebert, Agape
Angela served in Afghanistan from January through August 2010

Staff Sergeant Kevin Macke, son of Deb & Larry Macke, Raintree
Dairy Goats
Kevin served as a Combat Medic with the WI
National Guard 950th Unit
in Afghanistan from December 2014 until October 2015

Specialist Kevin Macke, son of Deb & Larry Macke, Raintree
Dairy Goats
Kevin served as a Combat Medic with the WI
National Guard 951st Sapper Unit
in Afghanistan from February 1, 2009 until November 21, 2009

Jerry Drovdahl, US Army, 1973-1976
Served in Germany on border patrol and cavalry
Kat Drovdahl, US Army 1985-1987
Served in Germany as an Accounting Specialist/Finance