American LaMancha
Breeders Association





Meet the American LaMancha Breeders Association
Outstanding Youth Members

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2023 National LaMancha Premier Youth

Hope Hitch ~ 2023 National LaMancha Premier Youth Exhibitor
Youth Premier Senior Doe ~ CH Shady Lawn Banana Crisp

Youth Premier Junior Doe ~ Shady Lawn Banana Martini

I am Hope Hitch and I raise dairy goats in Northern Kentucky. The herd is under the herd name Shady Lawn Dairy Goats where my family and I breed LaManchas, Alpines, and Recorded Grades. Although we are diverse within the herd, the love of LaManchas has impacted the herd in many ways and started with my mother and grandparents when she was involved in youth. Throughout the years I have had the privilege of breeding LaManchas and trying to incorporate old genetics that were previously successful with modern genetics of today. Some of these include some Experimental does that were produced from our strong LaMancha lines combined with Alpine and a sprinkling of Toggenburg and continue to thrive. Although I am in college full time working towards a degree in Biology, during the summer, weekends, and on holiday breaks I manage the herd at home. I am involved deeply with the herd, furthering my love for the goats since I was a small child. Throughout these past years, my family and I have incorporated IVF and furthered our use of AI to help introduce genetics from other herds, as well as produce many high placing does at a National level.

Faith Hitch ~ 2022 National LaMancha Premier Youth Exhibitor
Youth Premier Senior Doe ~ Heaven Sent Farm Shadow Toi


Hope Hitch ~ 2021 Youth Premier Junior Doe
Shady Lawn Banana Flambe

2021 LaMancha Premier Youth/ADGA Youth Rep

ADGA Youth Rep, Don Strawbridge, with alternate, Emma Ward.


Don Strawbridge of North Yarmouth, ME, discovered goats as an 8 year old after reading a book on homesteading. He purchased his first doeling - a Nigerian Dwarf in 2012 - and helped start his county's first in recent memory 4-H Dairy Goat Club. He bought his first LaMancha, Longvu LK Midnight Magic, in 2015 and has never wanted ears on a goat again.

Don learned about ADGA Youth Programs when he attended the 2017 ADGA National Convention in Atlanta. While there he decided to run for ADGA Youth Rep as soon as he was old enough.

"Youth Representatives not only have to represent the best of ADGA Youth to the rest of the organization, they also have to represent the best of ADGA to the new kids at Convention...the shy kids at Nationals and to anyone interested in goats who doesn't feel like they belong just yet," says Don. "I admire the representatives of past years, their examples and their leadership. I want to do the same."

The 2018 ADGA National Show marked Don's first national show, where he earned Premier Junior Youth Exhibitor and Premier LaMancha Youth Exhibitor. He and his sister went to the 2019 ADGA National Show in Redmond, OR and felt honored to borrow Trinity Smith Malmanis' Goat-San does for Youth Showmanship.

Don joined the American LaMancha Breeder's Association in the fall of 2016 and became a youth director from the East District in 2017. He also participates in his local dairy goat clubs: The Heart of Maine Dairy Goat Association, the Southern Maine Dairy Goat Association and the Southern Vermont Dairy Goat Association.

Don shows his heard of LaManchas throughout New England including representing Maine at the 4-H Dairy Goat Show at the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, MA.

Off the farm, Don is a 10th grade honors student at Greely (Cumberland, ME) High School. He sings baritone in the honors chorus and sails on the high school team in Casco Bay.

Audrey Greenwood -  2019 National Premier LaMancha Youth Winner

 Audrey received her first dairy goat at 8 years old. She was hooked instantly. Audrey realized showmanship was a place where she could excel no matter what goat she had. Her long time showmanship partner Roc-n "J" Bad Penny rarely won in the open ring, but in showmanship those two excelled. Bad Penny taught Audrey all about naughty goats. It was quite a special experience watching her win showmanship for the 3rd time at nationals this year. Although sad that she has aged out of youth activities, she looks forward to teaching others how to be successful at showmanship. She was particularly thrilled when her team and group of friends won the Fitting contest.  This was her second time winning in that class too.

When she was young, Audrey realized showing just the few goats she owned wasn't enough. Soon she stood ringside waiting for a chance to show for anyone willing to let this feisty 8 year old handle animals. It didn't take long before she was showing for someone in every class! If you attended or watched nationals this year you can see all these years later she is still always in the ring. Audrey has worked extremely hard on her own breeding program. She has been blessed to have goat friends all over who have encouraged, helped, befriended and supported her on this adventure. She has been attending a local junior college where she will finish her AA and transfer to a university to complete her degree. Her LaManchas are her passion and they bring her so much happiness and joy. She is a tough competitor, but will always help you out if you're in need. She has a huge heart and willing attitude, so don't let her show ring scowl scare you off!  Her goals for the future are to keep improving her herd and to graduate college. Thank you for all this club does to help and encourage the youth members. Winning youth premier breeder for LaMancha and Recorded Grades was definitely a highlight of nationals. Thank you for sponsoring those awards. 

Congratulations Audrey!

Bob Webb-Ray Engeman Memorial Scholarship Recipients


Isabel Perdomo of San Antonia, Florida, is the 2020 recipient of the Bob Webb-Ray Engeman Memorial Scholarship. Isabel will be attending Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, VA this fall majoring in International Relations. She is homeschooled and maintained a 4.0 grade point average.

Isabel has been involved in dairy goats for 10 years and is an ALBA member. She is a member of the Legend Dairy 4-H Club and has been involved in many activities including the Concession Stand Fundraiser Show, No Kid Hungry Bake Sale and was a Dairy Goat Showmanship Instructor. She has held all club offices including reporter, treasurer, vice president and is currently club president.

Isabel is an AP Scholar Award winner, Gifted Giver Founder and leader, Living Waters Praise and Worship team lead pianist, F.I.S.H Co-op Classroom assistant, Royal Conservatory of Music pianist, National Federation of Music Junior Festival participant, involved in Generation Joshua Club and has earned the Statesmen Award.

Isabel is the founder and operator of her own microbusiness, Isabel's Incredible Inspirations. She designs and creates jeweled accessories called tzitziot. She also maintains her own Etsy store.

Isabel has been integrally involved in their herd of LaManchas and plans to continue her involvement after college. We wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors.


My name is Addison Wille. I am 15 years old and have been showing goats for 6 years. I started showing through my local 4-H managerial farm. In 2019, I became an ADGA member and started my own herd ~ Double Back. LaManchas are one of my favorite breeds due to their spunky personalities and big hearts. I am excited to be able to develop this breed in my herd and can’t wait to see what the future has in store.


District 4: Mid-MN Classic ~ Senior Youth
Michael Nagel ~ Calico Lane

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My name is Michael Nagel. I am 18 years old and I’ve raised and shown LaManchas ever since I was born. My herdname is Calico Lane and I’ve been involved in showing at local, regional, state and National dairy goat shows. I attended the 2012, 2016, 2017, and 2021 National Shows and I worked vet check at several of them. I graduated from Flambeau High School in June and am working full time right now with plans to attend Northcentral Technical College next fall majoring in Culinary Arts. I am very involved in the care and decision making on my herd and I plan to continue that in the future.


District 7:

District 7:


District 8:
District 8:
District 8:



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