Bob Webb-Ray Engemen Memorial Youth Scholarship
$300 Scholarship for a 1st year College
and a
$300 Scholarship for a Returning College Student
Please contact
Pam Hogan or
Deb Macke for more
information about applying for a scholarship
Scholarship app
for 1st year
Scholarship app for returning college students
Note: Scholarship app must be filled out, scanned and
emailed to Pam Hogan by April 1, 2024
It must be accompanied by a copy of the high school transcript and proof of
enrollment in college and all pages must be filled out.
Applicant must have been a member of ALBA in (at least) 2023 to be eligible to
The following was written by Marilou Webb of
South-Fork LaManchas about her late husband, Bob Webb.
Our dairy goat herd started as a 4-H project for
our youngest son, Richie. It did not take long for Mom and Dad to become
completely taken by them too!. One thing that really always bothered my husband,
Bob, was the lack of help and support for the dairy goat program here at our
local fair. All the kids that showed pigs, cows, horses, etc., either won awards
at the fair, or they could sell their project in the auction at the end of the
fair and make some money. The kids who showed dairy goats didn't get much. He
kept saying that there was no reason for kids to even want to try dairy goats
for a project, or the ones that were in it to even want to keep them. Richie
also showed horses, and he belonged to a horse show association that had a big
party at the end of the year every year and gave beautiful awards to the kids
for what they had accomplished.
So Bob decided we should do the same type of thing
for the kids involved with dairy goats. He created the Colorado Dairy Goat
Association Youth Showmanship program, where any kids who were members of CDGA
could compete at the shows and points were awarded for their placings in
showmanship. At the end of the season, we had a big banquet and awarded
embroidered jackets to the 1st place winner in each age class, and a beautiful
belt buckle to the runner-up in each age class. The showmanship program was a
huge success! Our showmanship classes soon went from 3-4 kids in each age class,
to 12-15 kids in each, it was just incredible. He was so proud to see all those
kids competing in friendly competition and receiving their awards at the end of
the season. That showmanship program is still going strong today. We have
increased the number of awards, and last year we were able to award some type of
prize to all the participants. Several years ago the Colorado group voted to
re-name the program the Bob Webb Youth Program.
Bob loved the goats, the shows, and visiting with
all the people, but mostly he loved working with the youth and keeping the youth
programs active. He would be very proud to have this award named for him.
The following was written by Dene Engeman of Shammy's
LaManchas about her late husband, Ray Engeman.
Ray and I have had and enjoyed goat since 1966. We
have had many breeds and finally ended up with only LaManchas. Ray's passion for
the goats was displayed
in many ways....from chores 7 days a week, feeding and
caring for his girls at shows, traveling long distances to national shows and
twice having sponsored at kid atthe prestigious Spotlight Sale, where he
decided to show his own Spotlight nominations. He clad himself in a tuxedo, and
strutted his stuff, and brought in a
$4100.00 bid on his doe kid, Exavia.
As many of you know, Ray knew no strangers, talked
with everyone. He simply loved people as much as he did his goats. I miss him a
lot and I am sure there are
many out in the goat world who miss him as well.