American LaMancha
Breeders Association





ALBA Total Performer Award

Following are the requirements to apply for the ALBA Total Performer Award ~ applicant must be a current ALBA member
Deadline for applications is April 10.

Total Performer Doe:
1. Animal must be a permanent champion (CH, GCH or SGCH)

2. Doe must have appraised 90 at some time in their life

3. Doe must meet minimum production requirements of 3000# milk, 120# fat and 96# protein

Total Performer Dam:
To qualify, dam must have 3 daughters that have earned the Total Performer doe award
(daughters do not have to earn it all in the same year)

Total Performer Sire:
To qualify, sire must have 3 daughters that have earned the Total Performer Doe Award
(daughters do not have to earn it all in the same year)

To apply for any of the above awards, please fill out the following application and submit application AND
all documentation online. App must be accompanied by a copy of the registration paper indicating Champion status,
copy of most current DHIR doe sheet listing production records and a copy of linear appraisal as well as a photo of the nominated animal.

Each entry is $5.50 (includes Paypal fees)

ALBA Total Performer Award

Total Performance Award


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Page last updated on 11/21/2024