2018 Production Awards
Pink Diamond Earring
Award ~ Permanent Champion with production of 3500# Milk or 140# Fat
or 112# Protein |

GCH Calico Patchc DS Snickers 2*M
2-01 305 3672 138
B/O: Samantha Nagel, Calico Patch
"Youth" |

SGCH Raintree EZ Kalista 3*M
6-07 305 3455 136
B/O: Deb Macke, Raintree
Diamond Earring Award ~
3500# Milk or 140# Fat or 112# Protein |

Calico-Lane Win Twilight 4*M
1-09 305 3563 133
B/O: Michael Nagel, Calico-Lane
"Youth" |

Calico Fields Win Rue 1*M
2-11 305 3503 127
B/O: James Nagel, Calico Fields
"Youth" |
Diamond Earring Award ~
3500# Milk or 140# Fat or 112# Protein ~
Recorded Grade |

4JB RRF/Choca's Deliah 1*M
3-0 305 3454 127
O: Sharla Macke, Calico-Acres
B: 4 JB |
Platinum Earring ~
Permanent Champion, 3000# Milk or 120# Fat or 96# Protein |

GCH Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Fortune 4*M
4-11 305 3210 107
O: James Nagel, Calico Fields
B: Megan Lawrence, Jen-Mae-Ka Kids
"Youth" |
Gold Earring Award ~
3000# Milk, 120# Fat or 96# Protein |
Linden Acres Butterscotch 2*M
4-00 305 3380 94
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |
Linden Acres Doc Blitz 2*M
4-10 305 3360 98
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |
SG Featherbrained MaryAnn's Belle 2*M
2-11 305 3216 100
B/O: Pam Hogan, Featherbrained Farm

GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M
7-10 305 3183 103
O: Deb Macke, Raintree
B: Julie & Kyle Matthys, Mint*Leaf |

Opportunity Charade Fantasy 1*M
3-09 305 3116 115
O: Deb Macke, Raintree
B: Kailey Koopman, Opportunity |

Calico Patch Win Twix 2*M
1-11 305 3014 112
B/O: Samantha Nagel, Calico Patch
"Youth" |
Silver Earring ~
2500-2999# Milk, 100# Fat or 90# Protein |
Linden Acres Mandy 1*M
2-11 305 2910 91
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |

Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Chevron 3*M
2-11 253 2890 135
B/O: Megan Lawrence, Jen-Mae-Ka Kids |

Opportunity Orange Charade 1*M
4-10 305 2830 114
O: Sharla Macke, Calico-Acres
B: Kailey Koopman, Opportunity |
Linden Acres Charcoal 1*M
2-11 305 2810 96
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |
Linden Acres
L Noon 13*M
2-11 304 2780 101
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |
Linden Acres
Blaze 3*M
4-00 305 2760 98 85
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |
Linden Acres SP Blair 3*M
1-11 305 2740 90
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |
Minny Meadows
AB Paprika 2*M
3-09 305 2730 85
O: Terri & CareyPrigge, Linden Acres
B: Chris Mandt, Minny Meadows |

Opportunity Charade Grace 2*M
4-00 291 2637 101
O: Deb Macke, Raintree
B: Kailey Koopman, Opportunity |
Linden Acres Mad Collier 2*M
2-00 305 2600 114
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |

SGCH Texas Dynamite CM Rosie 2*M
4-00 305 2530 117
O: Cheryl Lloyd, T Bar C Farm
B: Brandon Ware, Texas Dynamite |
SG Literate LaManchas Dacey 5*M
2-00 305 2511 103
B/O: Jocelyn Hogan, LIterate LaManchas |
Linden Acres AB Amy 4*M
2-00 305 2510 88
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |

POH Girl Crush Madness 1*M
2-09 298 2465 111
O: Samantha Nagel, Calico Patch
B: Gretchen Beverly, Patch of Heaven
"Youth" |
Copper Earring Award ~
First Freshener under 2 years at start of lactation, 2000# Milk, 88#
Fat or 70# Protein |

Calico-Lane Win Twilight 4*M
1-09 305 3563 133
B/O: Michael Nagel, Calico-Lane
"Youth" |

Calico Patch Win Twix 2*M
1-11 305 3014 112
B/O: Samantha Nagel, Calico Patch
"Youth" |

Raintree Win Truffle Swirl 4*M
1-02 264 2465 92
B/O: Deb Macke, Raintree |
SG Featherbrained Mae West 3*M
1-09 305 2251 103
B/O: Pam Hogan, Featherbrained Farm |

Raintree M Gypsy Magic 2*M
1-01 280 2207 106
B/O: Deb Macke, Raintree |
Linden Acres AB Scarlet 4*M
1-01 305 2190 79
B/O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres |
Copper Earring Award ~
First Freshener under 2 years at start of lactation, 2000# Milk, 88#
Fat or 70# Protein ~
Recorded Grade |

Calico-Acres Mav's Josey 2*M
1-00 305 2497 93
O: Samantha Nagel, Calico Patch
B: Sharla Macke, Calico-Acres
"Youth" |
Extended Lactation Gold Award ~ Any doe
producing 6000# Milk or more in 600-699 days |

SGCH Calico Patch Oreo Cookie 1*M
5-10 305 3493 134
713 6688 269 245
B/O: Samantha Nagel, Calico Patch
"Youth" |
Grand Award ~ Any doe
over age 6 at completion of record producing 2500# Milk, 100# Fat or
90# Protein |

GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M
7-10 305 3183 103
O: Deb Macke, Raintree
B: Julie & Kyle Matthys, Mint*Leaf |
Lifetime Award ~ 10,000#
Milk, 400# Fat or 320# Protein |

SGCH Opportunity Colors Going Grey 1*M
4 lactations
11,878M 459F 379P
O: Deb Macke, Raintree
B: Kailey Koopman, Opportunity |

Opportunity Orange Charade 1*M
4 lactations
10,999M 433F 336P
O: Sharla Macke, Calico-Acres
B: Kailey Koopman, Opportunity |
Lifetime Silver Award ~
15,000# Milk, 600# Fat or 480# Protein |

SGCH Raintree EZ Kalista 3*M
5 lactations
17,214M 693F 552P
B/O: Deb Macke, Raintree |
Lifetime Diamond Award ~
25,000# Milk, 1000# Fat or 800# Protein |

GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M
8 lactations
27,731M 881F 812P
O: Deb Macke, Raintree
B: Julie & Kyle Matthys, Mint*Leaf |

SGCH Calico Patch Oreo Cookie 1*M
6 lactations
23,710M 90F 818P
B/O: Samantha Nagel, Calico Patch
"Youth" |
Diamond Sire Award ~ 3
daughters earning any combination of above awards |

+*B SG Forrest-Pride SB Linden
O: Carey & Terri Prigge, Linden Acres
B: Andrea Forrest, Forrest-Pride
Qualifying daughters:
Linden Acres Butterscotch 2*M 4-00 305
3380 94 100
Linden Acres Blaze 3*M 4-00 305
2760 98 85
Linden Acres Mandy 1*M 2-11 305
2910 91 86
Linden Acres Charcoal 1*M 2-11 305
2810 96 98
Linden Acres L Noon 13*M 2-11 305
2780 101 86 |

+*B Opportunity WC Winning Colors
O: Deb Macke, Raintree
B: Kailey Koopman, Opportunity
Qualifying daughters:
Calico-Lane Win Twilight 4*M 1-09 305
3563 133 110
Calico Fields Win Rue 1*M 2-11 305
3503 127 109
Calico Patch Win Twix 2*M 1-11 305
3014 112 103
Raintree Win Truffle Swirl 4*M 1-02 264
2465 92 74 |
+B Kickapoo-Valley Wild Charade
Owner of daughters: Deb Macke, Raintree
B: Kickapoo-Valley
Qualifying daughters:
Opportunity Orange Charade 1*M 4-10 305
2830 114 93
Opportunity Charade Grace 2*M 4-00 291
2637 101 87
Opportunity Charade Fantasy 1*M 3-09 305
3116 115 101 |

+*B Forrest-Pride Captain Ahab
O: Terri & Carey Prigge, Linden Acres
B: Andrea Forrest, Forrest-Pride
Qualifying daughters:
Linden-Acres AB Scarlet 4*M 1-01 305
2190 79 67
Linden-Acres AB Paprika 2*M 3-09 305
2730 85 86
Linden Acres AB Amy 4*M 2-00 305
2510 88 85 |