American LaMancha
Breeders Association




2016 ADGA Breed Leaders
Volume #63

All-Time LaMancha Milk Record Holder
Tyler Mt. May's Priscilla 2*M AL0618876   1991   5-00   253   5400-178/3.3% 194/3.6% Bred by Carol Sue Burdette, West Virgina
All-Time LaMancha Butterfat Record Holder
SGCH Oaks Whisper Taffeta 3*M PL1287007  2007   2-11   299    4310   254/5.9%   149/3.5%   Bred by Sara A. Stewart, Missouri

  Registration # Name of Doe Age DIM Milk Fat Protein Owner Breeder

Milk Production


PL1642518 SG Olentangy TD Deanie's Delight 3*M 2-11 283 4000 158 126 Clarke, Rebekah Rhoades, John


PL1506721 GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M 5-10 305 3980 124 115 Macke, Debra L Matthys, Julie & Kyle
3 PL1547727 SGCH Calico Patch Oreo Cookie 1*M 4-09 305 3910 134 130 Nagel, Samantha Jo Nagel, Samantha Jo
4 PL1586126 SG Liberty Ranch KVN Bethlehem 2*M 4-01 266 3830 108 102 Malakoff, Tabitha Tereba, Jennifer
5 PL1569208 SGCH Opportunity Colors Going Grey 1*M 4-10 305 3720 132 113 Macke, Debra L Koopman, Kailey
6 AL1634298 Raintree SL CitCat 1*M 2-08 305 3580 135 124 Nagel, Samantha Jo Macke, Debra L
6 AL1599488 York Mtn. KM's Lily of Valley 5*M 3-11 305 3580 178 121 Bonifield, Cindy Bonifield, Cindy
8 AL1632282 SG Love Acres Hank's Violet 2*M 2-11 304 3570 129 110 Love, Tania Love, Tania
9 AL1681675 SG York Mtn. Riversong 6*M 1-09 305 3530 172 118 Bonifield, Cindy Bonfield, Cindy
10 PL1561733 SG Tiamet Orion Digital 11*M 4-10 305 3500 125 105 Panuska, Sherry Panuska, Sherry
Recorded Grade ~ Milk
1 GL1752517 Banmoonrizn Fern 1*M 5-01 305 2840 97 89 Peraino, Cheri L Peraino, Cheri L
2 GL1593164 Chevre Noir Cider Zephyr 10*M 3-11 305 2820 93 97 McKenzie-Chapter, Erika McKenzie-Chapter, Erika
3 GL1517447 SG Agape Oaks LOX Seraphina 2*M 6-01 217 2790 134 83 Parham, Ken & Kathy Agape Oaks
4 GL1816248 C&W Farm SBMF JB's Jujube 1*M 2-11 282 2620 80 86 Danielson, Joanne Danielson, Joanne
5 GL1624672 The Shadow Seven Ginger Snap 1*M 6-11 305 2480 113 73 Orr, Joan M Orr, Joan M
Butterfat Production
1 AL1599488 York Mtn. KM's Lily of Valley 5*M 3-11 305 3580 178 5.0% Bonifield, Cindy Bonifield, Cindy
2 AL1681675 SG York Mtn. Riversong 6*M 1-09 305 3530 172 4.9% Bonifield, Cindy Bonifield, Cindy
2 PL1750983 C&W Farm SBMF Nita's Nirvana 8*M 1-00 305 2280 172 7.5% Danielson, Joanne Danielson, Joanne
4 PL1511118 Blissberry Love her Madly 7*M 6-02 248 3340 166 5.0% Danielson, Joanne Koehn-Walberg, Sara
5 PL1642518 SG Olentangy TD Deanie's Delight 3*M 2-11 283 4000 158 4.0% Clarke, Rebekah Rhoades, John
6 AL1633218 SG York Mtn. Eloquent Solitude 6*M 2-11 305 3210 150 4.7% Bonifield, Cindy Bonifield, Cindy
6 PL1643065 GCH High-Tor Divinity 3*M 3-00 261 2940 150 5.1% Diaz, Leslie Ann Diaz, Leslie Ann
8 PL1475051 GCH Jen-Mae-Ka Kids Jaycee 1*M 6-10 265 3220 149 4.6% Lawrence, Megan Rene Lawrence, Megan Rene
9 PL1674599 GCH JEn-Mae-Ka Kids Kae-Cee 2*M 2-00 220 1940 145 7.5% Lawrence, Megan Rene Lawrence, Megan Rene
10 PL1642047 SG Tempo Beatrix 11*M 2-10 305 3430 144 4.2% Bonifield, Cindy Acton DVM, Lauren L
10 AL1670088 York Mtn. Smoky Promise 6*M 2-00 305 3180 144 4.5% Bonfield, Cindy Bonifield, Cindy
Recorded Grade ~ Butterfat
1 GL1517447 SG Agape Oaks LOX Seraphina 2*M 6-01 217 2790 134 4.8% Parham, Ken & Kathy Agape Oaks
2 GL1624672 The Shadow Seven Ginger Snap 1*M 6-11 305 2480 113 4.6% Orr, Joan M Orr, Joan M
3 GL1752517 Badmoonrizn Fern 1*M 5-01 305 2840 97 3.4% Peraino, Cheri L Peraino, Cheri L
4 GL1815982 C&W Farm Chips' Flurry Flitter 1*M 2-00 242 2180 94 4.3% Danielson, Joanne Danielson, Joanne
5 GL1593164 Chevre Noir Cider Zephyr 10*M 3-11 305 2820 93 3.3% McKenzie-Chapter, Erika McKenzie-Chapter, Erika
Protein Production
1 PL1547727 SGCH Calico Patch Oreo Cookie 1*M 4-09 305 3910 130 3.3% Nagel, Samantha Jo Nagel, Samantha Jo
2 PL1642518 SG Olentangy TD Deanie's Delight 3*M 2-11 283 4000 126 3.2% Clarke, Rebekah Rhoades, John
3 AL1634298 Raintree SL Citcat 1*M 2-08 305 3580 124 3.5% Nagel, Samantha Jo Macke, Debra L
4 AL1599488 York Mtn. KM's Lily of Valley 5*M 3-11 305 3580 121 3.4% Bonifield, Cindy Bonifield, Cindy
5 AL1681675 SG York Mtn. Riversong 6*M 1-09 305 3530 118 3.3% Bonifield, Cindy Bonifield, Cindy
5 PL1642047 SG Tempo Beatrix 11*M 2-10 305 3430 118 3.4% Bonifield, Cindy Acton DVM, Lauren L
7 PL1506721 GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M 5-10 305 3980 115 2.9% Macke, Debra L Matthys, Julie & Kyle
8 AL1633219 SG York Mtn. Eloquent Solitude 6*M 2-11 305 3210 114 3.6% Bonifield, CIndy Bonifield, CIndy
9 PL1569208 SGCH Opportunity Colors Going Grey 1*M 4-10 305 3720 113 3.0% Macke, Debra Koopman, Kailey
9 PL1598167 RDR Your Chocolate Eclair 5*M 3-11 280 3460 113 3,3% McKenzie-Chapter, Erika Conway, Rachel
Recorded Grade ~ Protein
1 GL1593164 Chevre Noir Cider Zephyr 10*M 3-11 305 2820 97 3.4% McKenzie-Chapter, Erika McKenzie-Chapter, Erika
2 GL1752517 Badmoonrizn Fern 1*M 5-01 305 2840 89 3.1% Periano, Cheryl L Periano, Cheryl L
3 GL1816248 C&W Farm SBMF JB's Jujube 1*M 2-11 282 2620 86 3.3% Danielson, Joanne Danielson, Joanne
4 GL1517447 SG Agape Oaks LOX Seraphina 2*M 6-01 217 2790 83 3.0% Parham, Ken & Kathy Agape Oaks
5 GL1815982 C&W Farm Chips' Flurry Flitter 1*M 2-00 242 2180 81 3.7% Danielson, Joanne Danielson, Joanne


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