American LaMancha
Breeders Association




2013 ADGA Breed Leaders
Volume #60

All-Time LaMancha Milk Record Holder
Tyler Mt. May's Priscilla 2*M AL0618876   1991   5-00   253   5400-178/3.3% 194/3.6% Bred by Carol Sue Burdette, West Virgina
All-Time LaMancha Butterfat Record Holder
SGCH Oaks Whisper Taffeta 3*M PL1287007  2007   2-11   299    4310   254/5.9%   149/3.5%   Bred by Sara A. Stewart, Missouri

  Registration # Name of Doe Age DIM Milk Fat Protein Owner Breeder

Milk Production


AL1410578 SGCH Harmony Goats Brown Sugar 2*M 6-00 305 4180 210 148 Shirley, Silvia Shirley, Silvia


PL1501272 Land-of-Pure-Delight Z Suzette 1*M 3-10 300 4160 159 122 Kirsch, Diane & Wayne Cullen Sowers, Janet
3 PL1506721 GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M 2-10 305 3880 117 108 Macke, Debra L Matthys, Julie & Kyle
4 PL1469847 SGCH Raintree OL Caramel Swirl 3*M 4-01 305 3490 129 112 Macke, Debra L Macke, Debra L
5 AL1483870 Harmony Goats Sweet Freya 2*M 3-11 305 3470 134 104 Shirley, Silvia Shirley, Silvia
6 PL1439341 Tempo Pavlovna 9*M 5-00 305 3400 141 112 Macke, Debra L Macke, Debra L
7 PL1452066 SGCH Barnowl Boucle Q 4*M 4-09 305 3360 137 112 Macke, Debra L Macke, Debra L
8 AL1421164 The Modene's Ava 1*M 5-06 305 3340 124 105 Panuska, Sherry Modene, Orlen E & Brandi
9 PL1403982 SGCH Forrest-Pride She Will Charm U 5*M 5-11 305 3300 160 89 Forrest, Andrea Forrest, Andrea
9 AL1365040 SGCH Harmony Goats Turquoise 1*M 7-00 305 3300 145 103 Shirley, Silvia Shirley, Silvia
Recorded Grade ~ Milk
1 GL1506886 SGCH Agape Oaks LOX Rejoice 2*M 3-01 305 2970 110 93 Agape Oaks Agape Oaks
2 GL1591838 Agape Oaks BS hallelujah 3*M 0-11 288 2040 64 65 Agape Oaks Agape Oaks
3 GL1600955 Hobby-Farm Dey Blossom 1*M 1-11 305 1760 53 47 Riley, Craig Fritsch-Land, Bonita
Butterfat Production
1 AL1410578 SG Harmony Goats Brown Sugar 2*M 6-00 305 4180 210 5.0% Shirley, Silvia Shirley, Silvia
2 PL1403982 SGCH Forrest-Price She Will Charm U 5*M 5-11 305 3300 160 4.8% Forrest, Andrea Forrest, Andrea
3 PL1501272 Land-of-Pure-Delight Z Suzette 1*M 3-10 300 4160 159 3.8% Kirsch, Diane & Wayne Cullen Sowers, Janet
4 PL1403852 SGCH Lucky*Star's AV Xiang 4*M 5-11 305 3240 157 4.8% Hoy, Judith & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
5 Pl1512006 Redneck Aces RCBW Kayla 4*M 2-11 305 3130 150 4.8% Macke, Debra Ratcliff, Briana
6 AL1365040 SGCH Harmony Goats Turquoise 1*M 7-00 305 3300 145 4.4% Shirley, Silvia Shirley, Silvia
7 PL1439341 Tempo Pavlovna 9*M 5-00 305 3400 141 4.1% Macke, Debra L Acton DVM, Lauren L
8 AL1576813 SG York Mtn. Rose 5*M 1-10 305 3190 139 4.4% Bonifield, Cindy Bonifield, Cindy
9 PL1452066 SGCH Barnowl Boucle Q 4*M 4-09 305 3360 137 4.1% Macke, Debra L Lyons, Ardis K
10 AL1483870 Harmony Goats Sweet Freya 2*M 3-11 305 3470 134 3.9% Shirley, Silvia Shirley, Silvai
Recorded Grade ~ Butterfat
1 GL1506886 SGCH Agape Oaks LOX Rejoice 2*M 3-01 305 2970 110 3.7% Agape Oaks Agape Oaks
2 GL1591838 Agape Oaks BS Hallelujah 3*M 0-11 288 2040 64 3.1% Agape Oaks Agape Oaks
Protein Production
1 AL1410578 SGCH Harmony Goats Brown Sugar 2*M 6-00 305 4180 148 3.5% Shirley, Silvia Shirley, Silvia
2 PL1501272 Land-of-Pure-Delight Z Suzette 1*M 3-10 300 4160 122 2.9% Kirsch, Diane & Wayne Cullen Sowers, Janet
3 PL1469847 SGCH Raintree OL Caramel Swirl 3*M 4-01 305 3490 112 3.2% Macke, Debra L Macke, Debra L
3 PL1439341 Tempo Pavlovna 9*M 5-00 305 3400 112 3.3% Macke, Debra Action DVM, Lauren L
3 PL1452066 SGCH Barnowl Boucle Q 4* M 4-09 305 3360 112 3.3% Macke, Debra L Lyons, Ardis
3 PL1403852 SGCH Lucky*Star's AV Xiang 4*M 5-11 305 3240 112 3.5% Hoy, Judith & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
7 PL1481753 SG Lucky*Star's RY Zaray 3*M 3-11 305 3280 110 3.4% Hoy, Judith & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
8 PL1506721 GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M 2-10 305 3880 108 2.8% Macke, Debra L Matthys, Julie & Kyle
9 AL1421164 The Modene's Ava 1*M 5-06 305 3340 105 3.1% Panuska, Sherry Modene, Orlene E & Brandi
10 AL1483870 Harmony Goats Sweet Freya 2*M 3-11 305 3470 104 3.0% Shilrley, Silvia Shirley, Silvia
Recorded Grade ~ Protein
1 GL1506886 GCH Agape Oaks LOX Rejoice 2*M 3-01 305 2970 93 3.1% Agape Oaks Agape Oaks
2 GL1591838 Agape Oaks BS Hallelujah 3*M 0-11 288 2040 65 3.2% Agape Oaks Agape Oaks
3 GL1600955 Hobby-Farm Dey Blossom 1*M 1-11 305 1760 47 2.7% Riley, Craig Fritsch-Land, Bonita


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