American LaMancha
Breeders Association





2010 Herd Achievement Award


Congratulations to One*Oak*Hill, recipients of the 2010 Herd Achievement Award

John White and Eric Jermain of the One*Oak*Hill herd have influenced the LaMancha breed in such a wide reaching and positive manner, it is difficult to grasp or even to measure its extent.  These herd owners have been very generous in sharing their knowledge from breeding, feeding, management, to pedigrees, development of breeding programs, genetics, type evaluation, show tips and demonstrations of herd health care to other herds and individuals across the country.  Their positive support of the LaMancha breed and the owners and breeders of them, not only has helped to influence the breed itself, but has helped to encourage numerous breeders to find success in their goals.  Their generosity in the sharing of their knowledge has helped to further the continuing and increasing popularity of this incredible breed of dairy goats.

The One*Oak*Hill herd has had an overwhelmingly positive affect on the breed itself providing genetics that are strong, consistent, beautiful, appraise, show and produce well generation after generation. Numerous herds have benefited by the strength of quality and consistency of the One*Oak*Hill LaManchas, either directly from One*Oak*Hill-bred animals or from their offspring. Some of those include Autumn Acres, Becca’s, Kastdemur’s, Devonshire, Kickapoo Valley, Little Orchard, Lynnhaven, Little Rockspring, Pleasant Field, Goat-San, Vineyard View, Heart Mountain/Carter Kids, Rockin CB, Barnowl, Tempo, and Shady Lawn. The list goes on and on


One*Oak*Hill animals have a vast and very positive influence on the LaMancha breed today. A partial list of One*Oak*Hill animals that have appraised Excellent, or are CH, GCH or SGCH or SG, or have produced over 2,000 lbs. of milk annually is below.

A few of the influential dairy goats from this outstanding herd:

B One*Oak*Hill Mac Tumbleweed
     - 2003 ADGA National Show Premier Sire
     - Sire of SGCH One*Oak*Hill Tweed Jrupent EX92 2003 ADGA Natl    
       Best Udder LaMancha,
     - Sire of GCH One*Oak*Hill Tumbleweed Diva EX93 – 1999 ADGA
       Natl Show Best Udder LaMancha,
     - Sire of Becca’s Tweed Nuisance EX92 1st place 2 yr. old 2005 ADGA
       National Show
     - Numerous sons and daughters, many champions appraising

*B One*Oak*Hill Mac Tumbleweed

CH One*Oak*Hill Harlequin Jazz LA-93
Daughter of *B One*Oak*HIll Harlequin
*B One*Oak*Hill Harlequin –
     -Sire of CH One*Oak*Hill Harlequin Jazz appraised EX92
GCH One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tuzla *M
     – 2002 ADGA National Champion & Reserve Best Udder

SGCH One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tuzla *M
Through the years at the ADGA National Show.

1st Place Tumult Get of Sire 2003


1st Place Tumult Get of Sire 2004


1st Place Tumult Get of Sire 2008


++B One*Oak*Hill Medicine Tumult
     – 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2008 ADGA National Show Premier
     - Sired numerous individual class winners at the National Show as well as
       1st Place Sr. Get of Sire winner numerous times.
     - Multiple sons & daughters, granddaughters & grandsons have achieved
       GCH, production & appraisal honors.
     - Sire of
       • SGCH Kastdemur’s Seven Up 2*M EX91 – 2001 ADGA Reserve National
       • Granddaughter (Seven Up daughter) GCH Kastdemur’s Make7UpYours
          3*M Multiple Best In Show winner, appraised EX93 twice
       • GCH Kastdemur’s Mountain Dew 2*M EX91 – 2004 ADGA Reserve
          National Champion
       • SGCH Kastdemur’s Evian 2*M EX94 (TWICE – only doe ever to have
          achieved this status) – 2008 & 2009 ADGA National Champion (2008
          Res Best Udder 2009 Best Udder). High Production winner at 2008
          ADGA Nationals & #5 on ADGA Top Ten List. 2008 & 2009 CA State Fair
          Supreme Champion
       • Grandson *B Kastdemur’s Tach Lach (son of Evian) – sired 1st pl 2 yr.
          old/1st udder at the 2008 ADGA Nationals, also sired GCH Tempo
          Evianna 2009 Reserve National Champion. Tach Lach was Premier Sire
          at the 2009 ADGA National Show. He also had 1st pl. Sr. Get of Sire
       • GCH Kastdemur’s Survivor 2*M – EX91 – two time winner of individual
          classes at ADGA National Show
       • GCH Kastdemur’s Shasta 2*M EX92 – 1st pl. yearling milker 2005 ADGA
          National Show
       • GCH Becca’s Hemingway who sired numerous CH daughters including
          SGCH Kastdemur’s Slice 4*M 2005 ADGA National Champion LaMancha
          & CH Kastdemur’s Dew U Dare, and sons – including Kastdemur’s
          Deviant sire of multiple Champion & high producing daughters in
          many different herds.
       • *B Kastdemur’s Live Wire – who sired GCH Heart-Mt.-Carter-Kids Chit
          Chat EX92 1st place 4 yr. old 2009 ADGA National Show
One*Oak*Hill Tweed Luxor
     - Sire of GCH One*Oak*Hill Luxor Tada 1st pl. 2 yr. old 2002 ADGA
       National Show


GCH One*Oak*Hill Luxor Tada

+*B GCH One*Oak*Hill Tweed Conagher EX92
+*B GCH One*Oak*Hill Tweed Conagher EX92
     - Sired numerous champions including SGCH Devonshire RC Sophia

One*Oak*Hill Tweed Talon
     - Sired numerous beautiful daughters including CH Autumn Acres Miss
       Marmalade EX92
     - Autumn Acres Talon Willoughby
       • Sire of GCH Kastdemur’s Make7UpYours 3*M EX93
     - Autumn Acres Black Zephyr
       • Sire of SGCH Kastdemur’s Aquafina EX91 1st pl. 2 yr.old 2009 ADGA
          National Show
       • Sire of CH Kastdemur’s Ziva
       • Sire of GCH Kastdemur’s Orange Smoothie


Talon daughter:
CH Autumn-Acres Miss Marmalade LA-92
1st Place Aged Doe 2010 Nationals

One*Oak*Hill Jansen Tirade
One*Oak*Hill Jansen Tirade
     - Sired numerous Champion daughters CH Autumn Acres Strait To
       My Heart and CH Autumn Acres Jazz’s Jada

One*Oak*Hill Heston Cycas
     - Sired numerous beautiful daughters including CH Autumn Acres Cycas

One*Oak*Hill Heston Cycas
When looking at the rules regarding the nomination for this honor, this herd has met and gone beyond each and every criteria listed for qualification for this award. Congratulations to John and Eric of One*Oak*Hill for their hard work and dedication they have given to the improvement of the LaMancha breed and for their generosity of sharing their knowledge to help others.

Our thanks to Gatewood Farm and many other breeders for allowing us to include the above pictures.

A special thank you to Mitch Theilig of North Country Tropies in Ladysmith, WI for designing the Herd Achievement Award plaque.


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