American LaMancha
Breeders Association




2008 ADGA Breed Leaders
Volume #55

All-Time LaMancha Milk Record Holder
Tyler Mt. May's Priscilla 2*M AL0618876   1991   5-00   253   5400-178/3.3% 194/3.6% Bred by Carol Sue Burdette, West Virgina
All-Time LaMancha Butterfat Record Holder
SGCH Oaks Whisper Taffeta 3*M PL1287007  2007   2-11   299    4310   254/5.9%   149/3.5%   Bred by Sara A. Stewart, Missouri

  Registration # Name of Doe Age DIM Milk Fat Protein Owner Breeder

Milk Production


PL1324132 SGCH Oaks Whisper A Carmello 2*M 3-00 304 4790 278 158 Stewart, Randy Stewart, Sara A



SGCH Oaks Whisper Taffeta 3*M 3-11 299 4720 292 164 Trotter, Keanu T Dylan Stewart, Sara A
3 PL1296359 SGCH Krishellen Goodtime 1*M 3-11 289 4210 227 137 Stewart, Sara A Krishellen
4 AL1353238 SG Huricane-PM SFCC Tabitha 2*M 3-00 305 3980 160 127 Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
5 PL1188780 SGCH Lucky*Star's QM Paradigm 3*M 7-02 305 3950 142 109 Hoy, Judith & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
6 PL1219902 SGCH Fir Meadow MI Rosine 2*M 5-11 286 3780 115 104 Drovdahl, Kat Drovdahl, Kat
7 PL1372937 SGCH Oaks Whisper KWS Wild Flower 3*M 1-10 281 3740 213 115 Stewart, Randy Stewart, Randy
8 PL1337888 SG Carman's Tailwagers Last Hope 2*M 3-00 299 3720 113 101 Carman, Matthew David Carman, Matthew David
9 PL1333537 Kastdemur's Cazillion 4*M 2-10 305 3710 165 119 Koehn-Walberg, Sara Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
10 PL1323242 SGCH Huricane-PM SFCC S-Berry Tart 2*M 2-11 305 3660 160 118 Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
Recorded Grade ~ Milk
1 GL1326376 God-A-Goat Summer Jump 1*M 6-00 305 3530 114 97 Buckner & Family, Tom & Paulette Buckner Family, Tom & Paulette
2 GL1355048 SG Huricane-PM Lucky's Hollly 1*M 5-08 305 3450 163 110 Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
3 GL1399230 GCH Texas Flat Rocks Pearl 1*M 4-01 305 2610 115 87 Agape Oaks Flat Ro ck Farm
4 GL1327336 GCH T-and-P Zeke's Vivian 2*M 2-10 305 1990 73 62 Buckner & Family, Tom & Paulette Buckner Family, Tom & Paulette
5 GL1310832 Hobby-Farm Oz Tease 3*M 3-10 295 1910 60 50 Fritsch-Land, Bonita Fritsch-Land, Bonita
Butterfat Production
1 PL1287007 SG Oaks Whisper Taffeta 3*M 3-11 299 4720 292 6.2% Trotter, Keanu Dylan Stewart, Sara A.
2 PL1324132 SGCH Oaks Whisper A Carmello 2*M 3-00 304 4790 278 5.8% Stewart, Randy Stewart, Sara A.
3 PL1296359 SGCH Krishellen Goodtime 1*M 3-11 289 4210 227 5.4% Stewart, Sara A Krishellen
4 PL1372937 SGCH O aks Whisper KWS Wild Flower 3*M 1-10 281 3740 213 5.7% Stewart, Randy Stewart, Randy
5 PL1361063 GCH Lucky*Star's Wind Inthe Willow 6*M 2-02 250 3150 170 5.4% Stewart, Sara A Hoy, Judith & Donald
6 PL1333537 Kastdemur's Cazillion 4*M 2-10 305 3710 165 4.4% Koehn-Walberg, Sara Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
7 AL1353238 SG Huricane-PM SFCC Tabitha 2*M 3-00 305 3980 160 4.0% Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
7 PL1353242 SGCH Huricane-PM SFCC S-Berry Tart 2*M 2-11 305 3660 160 4.4% Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
7 PL1333880 SGCH Lucky*Star's Lot Vivian 4*M 2-10 304 3540 160 4.5% Hoy, Judith & Donaldl Hoy, Judith & Donald
10 PL1385121 SGCH Huricane-PM SFTC Destiny 7*M 3-00 305 3300 148 4.5% Walker,  Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
Recorded Grade ~ Butterfat
1 GL1355048 Huricane-PM Lucky's Holly 1*M 5-08 305 3450 163 4.7% Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
2 GL1399230 GCH Texas Flat Rocks Pearl 1*M 4-01 305 2610 115 4.4% Agape Oaks Flat Rock Farm
3 GL1326376 God-A-Goat Summer Jump 1*M 6-00 305 3530 114 3.2% Buckner Family, Tom & Paulette Buckner Famly, Tom & Paulette
4 GL1327336 GCH T-and-P Zeke's Vivian 2*M 2-10 305 1990 73 3.7% Buckner Family, Tom & Paulette Buckner Family, Tom & Paulette
5 GL1364341 SG Harmony Goats Peaches N'Cream 1*M 2-01 289 1430 64 4.5% Shirley, Silvia Shirley, Silvia
Protein Production
1 PL1287007 SG Oaks Whisper Taffeta 3*M 3-11 299 4720 164 3.5% Trotter, Keanu Dylan Stewart, Sara A
2 PL1324132 SGCH Oaks Whisper A Carmello 2*M 3-00 304 4790 158 3.3% Stewart, Randy Stewart, Sara A
3 PL1296359 SGCH Krishellen Goodtime 1*M 3-11 289 4210 137 3.3% Stewart, Sara A Krishellen
4 AL1353238 SG Huricane-PM SFCC Tabitha 2*M 3-00 305 3980 127 3.2% Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
5 PL1352935 SGCH Heart-Mt.-CArter-Kids Chitchat 3*M 2-11 304 3600 121 3.4% Carter, Aaron J Carter, Aaron J
6 PL1333537 Kastdemur's Cazillion 4*M 2-10 305 3710 119 3.2% Koehn-Walberg, Sara Kastdemur's Dairy Goats
6 PL1333880 SGCH Lucky*Star's LOT Vivian 4*M 2-10 304 3540 119 3.4% Hoy, Judith & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
8 PL1353242 SGCH Huricane-PM SFCC S-Berry Tart 2*M 2-11 305 3660 118 3.2% Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
9 PL1372937 SGCH Oaks Whisper KWS Wild Flower 3*M 1-10 281 3740 115 3.1% Stewart, Randy Stewart, Randy
10 AL1396928 Broccoli Forest Cannonball 3*M 1-04 304 2990 112 3.7% Bice, Scott Michael Jack, Katie
Recorded Grade ~ Protein
1 GL1355048 SG Huricane-PM Lucky's Holly 1*M 5-08 305 3450 110 3.2% Walker, Patricia Marie Walker, Patricia Marie
2 GL1326376 God-A-Goat Summer Jump 1*M 6-00 305 3530 97 2.7% Buckner & Family, Tom & Paulette Buckner & Family, Tom & Paulette
3 GL1399230 GCH Texas Flat Rocks Pearl 1*M 4-01 305 2610 87 3.3% Agape Oaks Flat Rock Farm
4 GL1327336 GCH T-and-P Zeke's Vivian 2*M 2-10 305 1990 62 3.1% Buckner & Family, Tom & Paulette Buckner & Family, Tom & Paulette
5 GL1291396 T-and-P Reuben's Kota-Treasure 2*M 3-11 229 1690 55 3.3% Buckner & Family, Tom & Paulette Buckner & Family, Tom & Paulette


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