American LaMancha
Breeders Association




2000 ADGA Breed Leaders
Volume #47

All-Time LaMancha Milk Record Holder
Tyler Mt. May's Priscilla 2*M AL0618876   1991   5-00   253   5400-178/3.3% 194/3.6% Bred by Carol Sue Burdette, West Virgina
All-Time LaMancha Butterfat Record Holder
GCH Pansy DK Mardi Gras PL0931457  1999   6-02   305    4346   233/5.4%   187/4.3%   Bred by Margaret Collinet, Washington

  Registration # Name of Doe Age DIM Milk Fat Protein Owner Breeder

Milk Production



Sister-Beaver's Arti's Zazoola 4-11 305 4441 196 136 Churchill, Laurie Coutermarsh, Miss Rachel


PL1104690 Silver-Spur Chinaberries 1-11 305 3975 142 140 Grilli, Linda Grilli, Linda


SGCH Lucky*Star's H Jewel 7*M 3-11 305 3900 135 112 Hoy, Judith & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
4 PL1012843 Araby-Farm Hershey Kiss 3-11 305 3730 126 120 Broaddus, Mrs. Barbara Broaddus, Mrs. Barbara


SGCH Pansy Peachi Kean 3*M 3-00 305 3613 158 132 Nickel, Nancy & Bruce Beuterbaugh, Kelli
6 PL1089158 SG Winterwood's CM Monterey 2-01 304 3510 137 113 Hodges, Ann & Penny Amolsch Hodges, Ann & Penny Amolsch
7 PL0941584 SGCH Windstar Notta Shy Anne 6-00 305 3440 110 84 Acton DVM, Lauren L Prouty, Sylvia
8 PL1085308 SGCH Lucky*Star's QK A-llure 5*M 1-10 300 3330 120 104 Hoy, Judith & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
8 AL0945854 SGCH Sunnybrook GA Evening in Paris 5-10 305 3330 137 113 McKee, Eileen Gerfen McKee, Eileen Gerfen
10 PL1095391 GCH Aspen-Hill's Keesha 2-00 304 3310 116 108 Broaddus, Mr Joy Broaddus, Mr Joy
Recorded Grade ~ Milk
1 GL1025841 Maxtrax CK Willamena 3-11 216 2310 77 69 Michaels, Patricia M Michaels, Patricia M
2 GL0587828 Oak-Knoll-Dairy LT Featherstar 5-11 305 2070 88 60 Lindbo, Karen & George Redick Lindbo, Karen & George Redick
3 GL1071791 SG Oak-Knoll-Dairy NC Jamaica 4-00 305 2020 84 57 Lindbo, Karen & George Redick Lindbo, Karen & George Redick
4 GL1094576 TPM Sir Wills Mee-Nerva DV 2-01 300 1973 78 78 Moore, Patricia A  
Butterfat Production


Sister-Beaver's Arti's Zazoola 4-11 305 4441 196 4.4% Churchill, Laurie Coutermarsh, Miss Rachel


SGCH Pansy DK Mardi Gras 7-03 300 3194 174 5.4% Nickel, Nancy & Bruce Beuterbaugh, Kelli
3 PL0977799 SGCH Gk-Doe-Key Rachael 4-09 269 3260 161 4.9% Cash Farms  


SGCH Pansy Peachi Kean 3*M 3-00 305 3613 158 4.4% Einsiedel, Aaron Beuterbaugh, Kelli
5 PL1080997 Cash-Farms Kadega 2-00 301 2900 149 5.1% Cash-Farms Cash-Farms
6 PL1104690 Silver-Spur Chinaberries 1-11 305 3975 142 3.6% Grilli, Linda Grilli, Linda
7 AL1081512 SGCH Calico-Bluffs Tuckers Blondie 1-10 296 3210 138 4.3% Strode Family, Craig & Joellen Strode Family, Craig & Joellen
8 PL1089158 SG Winterwood's CM Monterey 2-01 304 3510 137 3.9% Hodges, Ann &  Penny Amolsch Hodges, Ann &  Penny Amolsch
8 AL0945854 SGCH Sunnybrook GA Evening in Paris 5-10 305 3330 137 4.1% McKee, Eileen Gerfen McKee, Eileen Gerfen
10 PL1005798 SGCH Lucky*Star's H Jewel 7*M 3-11 305 3900 135 3.5% Hoy, Judith  & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
Recorded Grade ~ Butterfat
1 GL0587828 Oak-Knoll-Dairy LT Featherstar 5-11 305 2070 88 4.3% Lindbo, Karen & George Redick Lindbo, Karen & George Redick
2 GL1071791 SG Oak-Knoll-Dairy NC Jamaica 4-00 305 2020 84 4.2% Lindbo, Karen & George Redick Lindbo, Karen & George Redick
3 GL1094576 TPM Sir Wills Mee-Nerva DV 2-01 300 1973 78 4.0% Moore, Patricia A M<ore, Patricia A
4 GL1025841 Maxtrax CK Willamena 3-11 216 2310 77 3.3% Michaels, Patricia M Michaels, Patricia M
5 GL1114920 SGCH Hobby-Farm Linc's Mindy 1-00 305 1410 60 4.3% Fritsch-Land, Bonita Fritsch-Land, Bonita
Protein Production
1 PL1104690 Silver-Spur Chinaberrries 2-11 305 3870 140 3.5% Grilli, Linda Grilli, Linda


Sister-Beaver's Arti's Zazoola 4-11 305 4441 136 3.1% Churchill, Laurie Coutermarsh, Miss Rachel
3 PL0977799 SGCH Gk-Doe-Key Rachael 4-09 269 3260 134 4.1% Cash Farms  


SGCH Pansy Peachi Kean 3*M 3-100 305 3613 132 3.7% Nickel, Nancy & Bruce Beuterbaugh, Kelli


SGCH Pansy DK Mardi Gras 7-03 300 3194 128 4.0% Nickel, Nancy & Bruce Beuterbaugh, Kelli
6 PL1080997 Cash-Farms Kadega 2-00 301 2900 122 4.2% Cash-Farms Cash-Farms
7 PL1012843 Araby-Farm Hershey Kiss 3-11 305 3730 120 3.2% Broaddus, Mrs. Barbara Broaddus, Mrs. Barbara
8 PL1089158 SG Winterwood's CM Monterey 2-01 304 3510 113 3.2% Hodges, Ann &  Penny Amolsch Hodges, Ann &  Penny Amolsch
8 AL0945854 SGCH Sunnybrook GA Evening in Paris 5-10 305 3330 113 3.4% McKee, Eileen Gerfen McKee, Eileen Gerfen
10 PL0978443 GCH Pansy Em Anne 4-09 305 2870 112 3.9% Nickel, Nichole Beuterbaugh, Kelli
10 PL1005798 SGCH Lucky*Star's H Jewel 7*M 3-11 305 3900 112 2.9% Hoy, Judith  & Donald Hoy, Judith & Donald
Recorded Grade ~ Protein
1 GL1094576 TPM Sir Wills Mee-Nerva DV 2-01 300 1973 78 4.0% Moore, Patricia A Moore, Patricia A
2 GL1025841 Maxtrax CK Willamena 3-11 216 2310 69 3.0% Michaels, Patricia M Michaels, Patricia M
3 GL0587828 Oak-Knoll-Dairy LT Featherstar 5-11 305 2070 60 2.9% Lindbo, Karen & George Redick Lindbo, Karen & George Redick
4 GL1071791 SG Oak-Knoll-Dairy NC Jamaica 4-00 305 2020 57 2.8% Lindbo, Karen & George Redick Lindbo, Karen & George Redick
5 GL0592473 TPM Opra's Rachel 4-01 201 1290 53 4.1% Moore, Patricia A Moore, Patricia A


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